Our 6th Oxford meeting – Aptamers 2019 – will address therapeutic, diagnostic, analytical and basic research applications of aptamers and invites oral and poster abstracts from academic and industrial researchers. We particularly encourage final year doctoral students and early/mid career postdoctoral researchers/junior group leaders to submit oral abstracts, as we believe this event will provide their research excellent exposure, critical analysis by attending senior researchers and new career opportunities.
The symposium will feature:
>High-impact talks, discussions & several hours of networking
>Oral presentations by an international faculty of senior & junior researchers from academia & industry
>Update on aptamer patents
>Posters, plus flash talks by selected poster presenters
>Trade exhibition
>Excellent networking opportunities, & a relaxed and friendly environment
Register now: http://libpubmedia.co.uk/aptamers-2019/register-online/
Web: http://libpubmedia.co.uk/aptamers-2019
Twitter: @AptamerSociety; @JAptamers; #AptaOx19
Email: AptamersOxford@gmail.com
Flash Talks by Poster Presenters
Following the hugely successful ‘flash-talks’ session at Aptamers 2018, we are pleased to announce that this will now be a regular feature of our future aptamers meetings.
A number of posters will be selected for short presentations by the symposium committee. If you would like to be considered, please express your interest at the time of registration/abstract submission. There may also be the opportunity of a sponsored cash prize for the best presentation. This session will be run on the first day of the symposium so that participants have as many opportunities to network during the meeting and at the dinner as possible.
Aptamers 2019 will be hosted along with Oligo 2019 (01-02 April) – 5th symposium on antisense & therapeutic oligonucleotides (separate registration required).
We look forward to welcoming you to the symposium.