The conference will address applications of genome editing in a variety of biological systems, featuring:
- A high-impact, packed day of talks, discussions and several hours of networking
- Oral presentations on latest developments in the field of genome editing by an international faculty of leading researchers from academia and industry
- Update on CRISPR patent wars
- Ethical debate
- Posters
- Trade exhibition
- Excellent networking opportunities, and a relaxed and friendly environment
We welcome proposals for oral and poster presentation on new applications and experimental design of genome editing and gene modulation technologies to large-scale screening, pathway elucidation, disease modelling, therapy and relevant emerging technologies. We particularly encourage final year doctoral students and early/mid career postdoctoral researchers/junior group leaders to submit oral abstracts (closed), as we believe this event will provide their research an excellent exposure, critical analysis by attending senior researchers and new career opportunities. If you are interested in presenting your research at this meeting please contact us at CRISPR@LPMHealthcare.com.
The conference will be hosted along with our 6th annual Aptamers 2019 and 5th annual Oligo 2019 Oxford (separate registration required).
For further information, please visit: http://lpmhealthcare.com/genome-editing-2019.