Submit an Abstract
Aptamers 2021 Virtual invites abstracts for short oral and poster presentations on all aspects of aptamer research. We particularly encourage final year doctoral students and early/mid career postdoctoral researchers/junior group leaders to submit oral abstracts, as we believe this event will provide their research an excellent exposure, critical analysis by attending senior researchers and possibly new career opportunities.
For further information and abstract submission policies please visit: http://libpubmedia.co.uk/aptamers-2021-virtual/submit-an-abstract/
Invitation to submit an article to the journal Aptamers
We invite you to submit your research to the journal Aptamers (ISSN: 2514-3247), which is the official open-access journal of the International Society on Aptamers, dedicated to publishing peer-reviewed research and reviews on all aspects of aptamer research.
We are happy to waive basic open access publication fee of Aptamers 2020 delegates until 31 October 2020, as long as the manuscripts are prepared according to the guidelines for authors.