Aptamers 2020 Virtual | 03-04 September 2020 | Registration is open
Web: http://libpubmedia.co.uk/aptamers-2020-virtual
Twitter: @AptamerSociety, @JAptamers; #AptaOx20V
Email: AptamersOxford@gmail.com
Our 7th Oxford meeting – Aptamers 2020 – was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, we will now hold a smaller meeting virtually on 03rd – 04th September 2020.
Meeting focus: Therapeutic, diagnostic, analytical and basic research applications of aptamers
Provisional meeting format: The meeting will run over two days. Each day will consist of invited keynote presentations by senior scientists, and submitted short presentations by emerging researchers and students.
- Day 1: 3rd September 2020, 0800h BST (to be hosted and chaired by Dr Sarah Shigdar, Deakin University, Australia)
- Day 2: 4th September 2020, 1500h BST (to be hosted and chaired by Dr Maureen McKeague, McGill University, Canada)
There will also be an opportunity to present posters digitally.
Invitation to submit an abstract: We are inviting emerging aptamer researchers and students to submit abstracts for short oral and poster presentations. If your abstract was accepted for a presentation at the March meeting, and you would like to present this work in the online version of the meeting, please get in touch with us by emailing AptamersOxford@gmail.com.
Dates for our accompanying antisense and therapeutic oligonucleotide meeting, Oligo 2020, will be announced shortly.
We hope very much that you can join us in September.
Aptamers – The Official INSOAP Journal
Website: http://JAptamers.co.uk
Email: JAptamers@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JAptamers
@JAptamers; #JAptamers
International Society on Aptamers (INSOAP): Join today – it’s free!
Website: http://www.aptamersociety.org