Publication Charges

Open-Access Article Processing Fee (OA-APF)

Submission of articles to this journal is free. However, for accepted articles there is an Open-Access Article Processing Fee (OA-APF) to cover production and administrative costs (that would otherwise be recovered through journal sales and subscriptions for a restricted access journal).

The submitting/senior author must confirm at the time of manuscript submission that they have sufficient funds to cover the article processing charges, if their manuscript is accepted for publication. The charges become payable as soon as the manuscript has been accepted in principle by the Executive Editor(s) following peer-review. The Open-Access Article Processing Fee must be paid before the manuscript is processed any further for typesetting and database indexing.

OA-APF pricing options for Research articles, Research Reports, Reviews, Mini-reviews, and Protocols/New methods (prepared within the recommended size limits):


Per Year: GBP £475 (Authors only pay for the first article they publish in this journal. All subsequent publications in any category – subject to successful peer-review – during the following year, from the day of publication, are free of charge, as long as the articles are prepared according to the instructions and within the recommended size limits.

The above charges are valid for articles which keep within the recommended size limits detailed in the relevant Instructions for Authors section. Longer articles will be charged at £50 per every additional 500 words (or a fraction), per extra figure or table (including supplementary figures and tables), or per every 15 extra references (or a fraction).

OA-APF pricing options for Research Letters, Meeting Reports, Editorials and News (prepared within the recommended size limits):


Per Article: GBP £175 (free if you have already published in the Journal in the previous year – see above)

The above charges are valid for articles which keep within the recommended size limits detailed in the relevant Instructions for Authors section. Longer articles will be charged at £50 per every additional 500 words (or a fraction), per extra figure or table (including supplementary figures and tables), or per every 15 extra references (or a fraction).

Editing Charges

In-house copy editing of submitted manuscripts is kept to a minimum. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the English language of their manuscript, and if their first language is not English they should have their manuscript proofread by other colleagues or use a professional language editing service. The corresponding author is notified at the time of manuscript submission, should a manuscript require extensive linguistic editing.


A charge will be made to authors if figures, line drawings or tables are of insufficient quality and standard, and do not conform to the journal style, and have to be re-drawn, re-sized or converted into the correct format by the Publisher (minimum charge GBP £25 per item). In multi-part figures each part constitutes one item. Authors are generally notified of this at the time of manuscript revision.


Authors must also provide references in the correct journal format. Costs of extensive formatting of references will be passed on to the authors (minimum £50).

Your Financial Responsibility

Should your article be withdrawn by the publisher after its publication for reasons such as, but not limited to, providing false information, falsifying data in the article, plagiarism, violation of anyone’s copyrights or other rights, or defaulting publication charges, you will remain legally responsible for publication charges and any other costs agreed to or paid at the time of the publication of your article.

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