Submit a Manuscript

This journal is no longer accepting manuscripts.

Before submitting an article, the authors must read the copyright information. Submission of an article to this journal implies that the authors have read and fully agreed to the terms and conditions under the tab ‘For Authors’.

Manuscript and supporting documents should be submitted by one of the following methods:

1-Online using the Online Manuscript Submission System (please also include the Authorship and Conflicts of Interest Form with your submission)

2-By email at (please also complete and send the ManuscriptSubmissionForm)

The corresponding author(s) should submit their manuscript in one of the accepted formats (e.g., .doc, .docx) and may combine text, tables and figures into a single file or provide figures and tables separately (at least 300dpi or higher).

The initial submission files do not need to be formatted in the Journal style. However, if accepted after peer-review, the authors will be required to format the final submission files as per the Journal’s manuscript preparation guidlines.

Naming the files

Name the manuscript and all supporting files using the first author’s last name (for example, Linxa-Cover, Linxa-Manuscript, Linxa-Figure 1, etc). If the files are too large for a single email transmission, divide into smaller files and describe the sequence of files in the following emails. Provide any supporting signed documents as scanned images or with electronic signatures, such as relevant pages of the Manuscript Submission Form, copyright permissions, etc. Original document(s) may be requested at the final publication stage. Please contact us in the first instance, should you have any problems in submitting your manuscript or other queries.

Cover Letter

The corresponding author should include a cover letter briefly explaining why their article is suitable for publication in this journal, describing major/novel findings of their research and their significance. Explain with reasons if your manuscript merits express review (target approximately 7 days). Also, please provide full names and contact details of all authors of the manuscript, including their mailing addresses and email addresses.

Final Checklist